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SPAL VA10-AP10/C-61A 12" 906 CFM Low Profile Fan
The VA10-AP10/C-61A (EF3532) 12v 12" SPAL is a Low-Profile Puller Fan capable of pulling over 900 CFM with a modest 52mm unit depth. The EF3532 12" fan...
SPAL 11"Low Profile 12V Puller Fan EF3530
The SPAL VA09-AP8/C-54A (EF3530) 12v 11" Puller Fan is a Low-Profile Thermo Fan ideal for dual fan setups where space may be limited. With a...
Maradyne Champion Series 11" 130W Cooling Fan M113K
The Maradyne EF8908 11" Champion Series fan is another great fan to use in a dual fan setup, with a strong puller rating...
Maradyne M103K 10" Champion Series Puller Fan
Best-Seller Alert - Maradyne Champion Series 10" 130W Cooling Fan The Maradyne EF8906 10" Champion Series fan is one of the...
Quantity Discounts Available Throughout June
Quantity discounts are back in full swing for the month of June, with tiered discounting available on all Thermo Fans...
Back In Stock: SPAL 12" Long-Life Puller Fan EF3576
New stock has arrived of the VA10-AP10/LL-61A (EF3576) SPAL 12" / 12V Long-Life Puller Fan. This mighty little puller can cool on...
Last Week for Tiered Discounting - Ends April 30
LAST WEEK - get tiered pricing discounts on all SPAL and MARADYNE fans until the end of April! Tiered discounting is...
SPAL 6.5" Low-Profile 12v Puller Fan - Save on Two or More!
This month - get tiered pricing discounts on all SPAL fans, including the pocket rocket 165mm puller.